If you're a resident of
the state of Wyoming
If you're legally an adult.
Age 18 or older
Take a step to help improve health care access and resources for gay and bisexual men
If you're a man who has sex with another man or men
Waller Hall Research, in Greybull, WY, is part of The Henne Group, a San Francisco-based market research company. Between our two offices, our research often focuses on issues related to public health, the LGBTQ+ experience, social justice, and social responsibility.
Our clients have ranged from government agencies to universities; from pharmaceutical companies to not-for-profit organizations.
Participation is voluntary and your information is completely secure and private. Your answers will be analyzed in the aggregate with your name removed from your answers
Waller Hall Research of Greybull, WY is conducting a men’s health study with the Wyoming Department of Health, and with support from Wyoming Equality. The study is being conducted through an online survey for Wyoming men 18 and older who identify as gay, queer, bisexual, pansexual, or transgender, as well as those men who sometimes have sex with other men. A ground-breaking survey, this is among the first of its kind for the state of Wyoming.
Telephone: +1(307) 213-6168
Fax: +1(307) 222-6882
Email: office@wallerhallresearch.com
648 5th Avenue North
Greybull, WY 82426
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Research. All Rights Reserved.